UWC Mahindra College monthly newsletter

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Student Profile

Marte Norway Class of 2012

Favourite quote: "Be yourself; everyone else is already taken" Oscar Wilde
Hobbies: Yoga, photography, reading
Languages: Norwegian, English, knowledge of Swedish & Danish
Why did you choose UWC Mahindra College: It was the first choice when I applied because it is the opposite of Norway and I was looking for a new perspective on how to live. Secondly I read about the Triveni activities and so I knew that the college worked with children’s home which is one of my passions. To some extent, to know more about Eastern ways of life. I think UWC has such a great philosophy which really gives you a good experience of the world. Firstly you have international friends and as the world gets smaller and smaller this gives us a really good way of understanding our neighbours.
What do you like best about the college: I think it’s a mixture of many things. I don’t want to disregard the climate but I also really like the community here. It is so different from my friend’s circle at home, so diverse, including quite simply the way people dress. It is situated in a beautiful location; within 5 minutes you can be in a silent space with only the sound of the wind. It’s amazing!
What were your most challenging moments in UWC Mahindra College: In the first month it was pouring rain, I didn’t know who my friends were and I was half the globe away from my parents – it was tough. Academic pressure is there! It’s a demanding setting that never lets up.
What are your hopes for your future: I would like to have a great life with good health and to learn a lot through further education. I want a good job, a huge family and to travel (visiting people from MUWCI).
What is your wish for the future of the college: I hope the new Head of College will bring some fresh ideas and that we can get a good student council that will look after our needs.

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