UWC Mahindra College monthly newsletter

Saturday, April 2, 2011

UWC Week

This year, instead of having many separate cultural evenings, dance shows, and a mostly forgotten UWC Day performance, several groups worked hard to collect our annual cultural events into one intense week of cultural fusion.

Here's how it happened:

Every afternoon and evening, instead of regularly scheduled activities, Triveni hosted student-led workshops on culture and cultural fusion. Activities included laughing workshop, amazing race, Sushi / Portugal and clown workshops, basic salsa, United Football World Cup, Viking games, Egypt / Israel, origami, bread workshop, Indian folktales, Bollywood films, Malaysian food, Chinese mythology, Biodiversity tour, Mexican dance, climate change, Mulshi tour, German / Hebrew, Chinese / Japanese, China / Tibet, String theory debate, Mayan numbers, Indonesian dance, astronomy / cultural constellations. Students were required to attend at least three and faculty and staff were, as always, encouraged to participate!

-- On Monday, there was a linking dinner - pizzas for everyone. From Tuesday onwards there were cultural dinners each evening, each featuring recipes from students' home regions. The food was very tasty (just the like the food we had during last year's cultural evenings). Some of the dinners included a performance element, and each had a special ambiance, so no Maggi that week.

-- On Saturday was our annual UWC Day show. With the modified Triveni schedule, it was possible for students to have more free time than usual for rehearsals -- balanced with the usual demands of homework, of course. With this in mind everyone was able to plan their week wisely.

For more information and write ups by the students please check the March edition of the student newspaper.

Michael Griffith
HOD Experiential and Community Learning

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