UWC Mahindra College monthly newsletter

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Head of College's message

UWCSEA in Singapore was the venue for this month’s UWC Council, Board and Heads’ meetings: a remarkable campus of over 4000 students set in the heart of an exciting and dynamic city.  The prospect of relentless meetings over many days is hardly a recipe for inspiration, but these were a fascinating exception!   

UWC has taken decisive steps to bring about some bold changes.  These include formal approval to the UWC Common Code of Conduct (see the October edition of United World) and a set of guiding principles for UWC – describing the fundamental features of a UWC education. These historic documents represent a major step forward in clarifying the identity and direction of UWC, and what it means in terms of our approach to education and our expectations for student lifestyle in this unique global community.

The last few years have also seen great progress towards the creation of a clear visual identity for UWC in terms of brand and image.  This is crucial as UWC works to fundraise internationally and generate greater momentum towards our vision of change for the world.  All colleges will now share a common UWC identity in terms of name and logo.  As UWC Mahindra College we will, for example, stand alongside UWC Atlantic College, UWC Pearson College, UWC Costa Rica and all other colleges around the world.

Taken together, these initiatives are part of an inspiring journey into new territory for UWC.  Like never before, UWC Heads, the Council and International Board, stand united around a strong shared educational philosophy and community vision.  I have every confidence that, from this firm foundation, we can be courageously influential in shaping the new frontiers of educational and global possibility.

Dr Jonathan Long
Head of College

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