UWC Mahindra College monthly newsletter

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Survey results

Thank you to all the people from a wide section of the UWC community who took the time and trouble to complete the survey which went out with last month's newsletter. Although the numbers were small, we were able to gauge your opinions with the help of Google Surveys! Yeh for Google!

Results do confirm your acceptance of the newsletter in its existing form and comments were supportive and positive. Ideas to include different articles will try to be accommodated and we will try to provide more photos, though this is always a big challenge; getting just some of the millions of photos that are taken each month uploaded onto a common drive so we can all share them! I'll do my best.....

You can review the results of the survey here. When you can see the spread sheet, if you go to the drop down horizontal menu and click on Form and then Show summary of responses you will get the information in chart form which is easier to read.

Penny Fidler
Head of External Relations / Webmaster

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