UWC Mahindra College monthly newsletter

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Celebrate with Action - UWC’s 50th anniversary

Wednesday 19 – Sunday 23 September 2012

UWC is celebrating its 50th anniversary in September!

UWC Atlantic College is starting the celebrations on Wednesday 19 September and the event will be streamed for all UWC alumni to see.

In the following three days we would like the UWC movement to join in a worldwide series of events to mark the occasion.

We’ve chosen ‘Celebrate with Action’ as the theme and we want as many people involved as possible, from Australia to Zambia and everywhere in between. Every school and college and lots of national committees will be holding a ‘Celebrate with Action’ event and we hope that many alumni groups will also do something.

Plan a day of action
UWC is about taking positive action – when you are there and after you graduate. To celebrate our 50th anniversary we would like you to be involved, too, either with an event that is currently being planned or by organising your own ‘Celebration with Action’ event.

Our objectives are to raise the visibility of UWC around the world to potential supporters and students, to demonstrate our mission to a wider audience and to rekindle local alumni enthusiasm and bring UWCers together.

Events should reflect our UWC mission and some aspect(s) of our values. How you interpret them and what you want to focus on is up to you or your group! Be imaginative and, if you can find something particularly relevant and specific to your city or country, then we really will have a range of events that demonstrate the mission.

Try and find something that will produce clear results and will further the aims of UWC. This could be helping to clear up or improve a neighbourhood or green space, organising an event that’s both environmentally friendly and sociable such as a mass bike ride or finding a local charity and volunteering your time or it could be holding a panel discussion on particular global issues with notable guest speakers (as London alumni are organising).

What you should do
 If you haven’t started planning anything yet, please get together, brainstorm ideas and get organising. Contact the national committee where you are living to see what they have planned or organise your own event. Ideally your event will be between Thursday 20 and Sunday 23 September and can be as big or small as you wish to make it. (The United Nations Peace Day is on Friday 21 September).

When your plans are in place post your event or action at http://50.uwc.org to share your plans both with UWC alumni based in your city or area so that they can join in as well as the UWC community and beyond. Your event will show up on the global map of events and you can edit your event to add more info and links at any time via your extranet account.

If you are in a city and know other alumni, please get together and start planning. We would like to see UWC Celebration with Action events happening in major cities from New York to Mumbai to Melbourne and everywhere in between.

If you can think of a good way of celebrating our 50th anniversary with action then we’d love to hear from you. Do use the UWC Extranet forum to co-ordinate ideas, discuss plans and to see if anything is already being planned near you.


Don’t forget we would ideally like all events streamed so that they can be shared with everyone around the world.

Other ideas
Spread the word
Give a talk about UWC at your local school – preferably one that doesn’t know about UWC. You can find out from your local national committee which schools would be best. You could also give a talk to an educational charity or initiative or the company you work for so that they can consider funding students applying to UWC.

Help to spread the word about what we’re doing by inviting UWC friends to join our extranet, where you can also see what other events are being planned, encourage people to sign up to UWC’s Facebook page and Twitter feed.

Get in touch with your local or national media and ask if you could provide a comment piece or be interviewed about how UWC helped you and why it is so important for the world. Donate Donating to UWC allows us to give more young people a challenging and transformational education. As a non-profit organisation we rely on the generosity of many people. Across the world we are supported by foundations, governments, local authorities, philanthropists and, crucially, UWC members. Celebrating our 50th anniversary by making a regular gift to UWC, either your school or college or to UWC International Office, will increase our ability to educate for a more peaceful and sustainable future.

Be social
Seek out your local UWC Second Sunday at Six or if there isn’t one, set one up or organise another social event. Contact your national committee to see what’s going on near you or use the UWC extranet directory to find UWC members near you. You can remember all that you enjoyed and gained from your time at UWC and talk about how you can further those ideals. Find national committee details at www.uwc.org, on the extranet directory.

Whatever you do, please do spread the word about UWC, our mission and values. Make the 50th anniversary an opportunity for you to help meet UWC’s goals.

A resource and media pack to help you promote your 50th anniversary events will be available soon on the extranet.

Sign up to the extranet at http://extranet.uwc.org/login.aspx It is quick, easy and will keep you in touch with UWC.

Dominic O'Reilly
UWC Director of Communication

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