UWC Mahindra College monthly newsletter

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Head of College's message

Exciting, challenging, dynamic and vibrant!
These are some of the words which sum up life on campus!  As I write, Theatre Season is in full-swing and the place is alive with the energy of a thriving international community.  There is not much time to catch your breath in the pace of this busy experience.  As Kipling put it,

If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,

Such is the commitment here to making the most of life in all its possibility and potential!

Some major changes to our buildings and facilities are currently underway too.  These new developments are the vital signs of a thriving school. However, we must never forget that the true heart of a good school does not beat in the stone and concrete of buildings and facilities - the real impact takes shape in the lives of young people. This is not only found in academic achievement but most importantly in the personal development of each individual – shaping character, forming habits and nurturing those values which will last a whole life long.

Rooted in strong values, UWC’s renowned approach has stood the test of time and provided young people with a reliable foundation for life. They may sometimes be unconventional, eccentric or even difficult (!) – but they each have the potential to make a difference, to tip the balance in favour of the good and, even in gentle ways, be influences for change and innovation.

We look ahead with resolve and optimism to further developments in the coming months. There is great strength and depth here and these are the timeless qualities from which we draw inspiration and courage.

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